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Valves on both inlet and outlet of both pumps?

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I have been working on an electric system at home, following your guide (which is excellent, BTW).

I am hung up on the pumps and how they should be connected. On pages 60-61 of the guide, the diagram calls for 2 piece ball valves for bot the intake and outlet of both pumps. But in the photo on page 61 it does not show a valve on the pump intakes. Also earlier in the guide you state that since these are not self priming, you should be careful to restrict the intakes to the pumps.

Can you help me clear that up? I don't want to order extra valves that I can't use.  🙂

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Hi there!

OMG! Now you got me there! Don't ask me how that happened but the diagram on page 60 is wrong. 

It's funny that nobody including myself saw that in the last 3 years! 😆 

So, you are right, I don't have a valve on the intake!

Thanks for spotting this mistake. I will correct the document next week.


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Posted by: @michael

It's funny that nobody including myself saw that in the last 3 years! 😆 

Leave it to an engineer to spot the one mistake in this whole complicated process!  😉

Thanks for the quick response. And again, this guide is fantastic. I already have my electrical panel together. I will have to post some pictures in the "I built it" forum soon.
